20 jul 2020


➤ By: Lion Warrior... ZozPower (Collection) 
➤ DERDIAN... Metal Archives
➤ Melodic Power Metal... Italy ✦
➤ Complete Discography + Scans Booklets

➤ DERDIAN Collection...
- 2005: New Era Pt. 1 + Scans Booklets
- 2007: New Era Pt. 2 - War Of The Gods + Scans Booklets
- 2010: New Era Pt. 3 - The Apocalypse + Scans Booklets
- 2013: Limbo <Japanese Edition> + Scans Booklets
- 2014: Human Reset <Japanese edition> + Scans Booklets
- 2015: Absolute Power (Compilation) <Japanese Edition> + Covers
- 2016: Revolution Era + Scans Booklets
- 2018: D.N.A <Japanese Edition> + Scans Booklets
- 2019: Nothing Will Remain (Compilation) <Japanese Edition> + Scans Booklets
DERDIAN - New Era Pt. 1 (Album) 
Year: 2005 
+ Scans Booklets 
01. Incipit 01:01
02. Beyond the Gate 05:38
03. Eternal Light 05:12
04. Nocturnal Fires 06:54
05. Anubi's Call 05:10
06. Incitement 06:19
07. Screams of Agony 05:11
08. Where I Can Fly 05:29
09. Crystal Lake 05:25
10. Entering the Cage 01:04 (instrumental)
11. Cage of Light 08:08
Total Time... 55:31 

Line Up: 
Joe - vocals
Dario Radaelli - guitars
Enrico Pistolese - guitars, backing vocals
Fulvio Manganini - bass
Marco Garau - keyboards, backing ocals
Salvatore Giordano - drums

Enrico Rusconi - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Maria Tamborelli - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Iride Testoni - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Daniela Usai - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Paolo Siconolfi - vocals (backing), Vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Maria Beatrice Sinigaglia - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Andrea Gervasoni - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Roberta Cocca - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Mara Lodi - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Mario Accettone - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Onofrio la Viola - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Marco Albanese - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Gloria Caressa - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Daniela Cicchelli - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Marco Costa - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Francesco Covelli - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Erika Ortu - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Mariano Rinaldi - vocals (choirs) (track 1)
Fiammetta Rossini - vocals (choirs) (track 1) 

DERDIAN - New Era Pt. 2: War Of The Gods (Album) 
Year: 2007 
+ Scans Booklets 
01. Overture 01:42
02. New Era 05:30
03. Betrayer 06:08
04. I Don't Wanna Die 05:24
05. Golstar's Rage 07:06
06. Why 05:55
07. Back to the Crystal 07:02
08. Immortal's Lair 09:15
09. The Hunter 05:57
10. Before the War 01:49 (instrumental)
11. War of the Gods 08:26
Total Time... 01:04:14 

Line Up: 
Joe Caggianelli - vocals
Dario Radaelli - guitars
Henry Pistolese - guitars, backing vocals
Fulvio Manganini - bass
Marco Garau - keyboards
Salvatore Giordano - drums

DERDIAN - New Era Pt. 3: The Apocalypse (Album) 
Year: 2010 
+ Scans Booklets 
01. Preludio 01:43 (intro)
02. The Spell 05:57
03. Battleplan 05:02
04. Black Rose 04:22
05. Her Spirit Will Fly Again 05:36
06. Dreams 05:10
07. Divine Embrace 05:19
08. The Prophecy 04:51
09. Burn 04:51
10. Forevermore 06:14
11. Revolt 06:18
12. Presagio 02:30 (instrumental)
13. The Apocalypse 06:25
Total Time... 01:04:18  

Line Up: 
Joe Caggianelli - vocals
Dario Radaelli - guitars
Enrico Pistolese - guitars, backing vocals
Marco Banfi - bass
Marco Garau - keyboards
Salvatore Giordano - drums

Lisy Stefanoni - vocals (female), Flute 

DERDIAN - Limbo (Album) 
Year: 2013
Japanese Edition + Scans Booklets 
01. Carpe Diem 01:25
02. Dragon Life 05:04
03. Forever in the Dark 07:15
04. Heal My Soul 06:32
05. Light of Hate 05:16
06. Terror 06:31
07. Limbo 08:28
08. Kingdom of Your Heart 06:12
09. Strange Journey 05:42
10. Hymn of Liberty 08:04
11. Silent Hope 07:26
12. Pegasus Fantasy 04:00
Total Time... 01:11:55

Line Up: 
Ivan Giannini - vocals
Dario Radaelli - guitars
Enrico Pistolese - guitars, backing vocals
Luciano Severgnini - bass
Marco Garau - keyboards
Salvatore Giordano - drums

Ricky Bettinelli - percussion (track 7) 

DERDIAN - Human Reset (Album)
Year: 2014
Japanese Edition +  Scans Booklets 
01. Eclipse 01:14 (intro)
02. Human Reset 05:52
03. In Everything 06:16
04. Mafia 06:40
05. These Rails Will Bleed 02:48
06. Absolute Power 05:26
07. Write Your Epitaph 04:08
08. Music Is Life 06:25
09. Gods Don't Give a Damn 05:44
10. After the Storm 04:58
11. Alone 07:23
12. Delirium 01:15 (instrumental)
13. My Life Back 06:34
14. Always 04:30
Total Time... 01:09:13 

Line Up: 
Ivan Giannini - vocals 
Dario Radaelli - guitars
Enrico "Henry" Pistolese - guitars, back-vocals
Luciano "Lucio" Severgnini - bass
Marco "Gary" Garau - keyboards
Salvatore Giordano - drums

DERDIAN - Absolute Power (Compilation) 
Year: 2015
Japanese Edition + Covers 
01. Absolute Power
02. Eternal Light
03. In Everything
04. New Era
05. These Rails Will Bleed
06. The Hunter
07. Before The War
08. Music Is Life
09. Battleplan
10. Dreams
11. The Prophecy
12. Forever in the Dark
13. Terror
14. Cage Of Light
15. I Do not Wanna Die
16. The Spell
17. Where I Can Fly 

DERDIAN - Revolution Era (Album) 
Year: 2016 
+ Scans Booklets 
01. Overture 01:45 (Feat. Apollo Papathanasio)
02. Burn 04:52 (Feat. Henning Basse)
03. Beyond the Gate 05:34 (Feat. Gianluca Perotti)
04. Battleplan 05:01 (Feat. Damnagoras)
05. I Don't Wanna Die 05:26 (Feat. D.C. Cooper)
06. Screams of Agony 05:09 (Feat. Mark Basile)
07. Lord of War 07:37 (Feat. Fabio Lione)
08. Forevermore 06:16 (Feat. Elisa C. Martin & Terrence Holler)
09. Eternal Light 05:14 (Feat. Roberto Ramon Messina)
10. The Hunter 05:55 (Feat. Ralf Scheepers)
11. Black Rose 04:22 (Feat. Andrea Bicego)
12. Incitement 06:21 (Feat. Leo Figaro)
13. New Era 05:30 (Feat. Elisa C. Martin)
14. Cage of Light 06:47 (Feat. Apollo Papathanasio)
Total Time... 01:15:49 

Line Up:
Enrico "Henry" Pistolese - guitars, vocals
Dario Radaelli - guitars
Marco Banfi - bass
Marco "Gary" Garau - keyboards
Salvatore Giordano - drums

Additional, Guests:
Fabio Lione - vocals (track 7)
Ralf Scheepers - vocals (track 10)
Henning Basse - vocals (track 2)
D.C. Cooper - vocals (track 5)
Apollo Papathanasio - vocals (tracks 1, 14)
Elisa C. Martín - vocals (tracks 8, 13)
Roberto "Ramon" Messina - vocals (track 9)
Leo Figaro - vocals (track 12)
Damnagoras - vocals (track 4)
Andrea Bicego - vocals (track 11)
Mark Basile - vocals (track 6)
Terence Holler - vocals (track 8)
Gianluca Perotti - vocals (track 3)
Lisy Stefanoni - backing vocals (track 2)
Joe Caggianelli - backing vocals (tracks 2, 5) 

DERDIAN - DNA (Album) 
Year: 2018
Japanese Edition + Scans Booklets 
01. Abduction 01:12 (intro)
02. DNA 05:27
03. False Flag Operation 05:00
04. Never Born 05:43
05. Hail to the Masters 04:27
06. Red and White 05:04
07. Elohim 05:26
08. Nothing Will Remain 05:31
09. Fire from the Dust 06:21
10. Destiny Never Awaits 05:41
11. Frame of the End 05:00
12. Part of This World 06:05
13. Ya nada cambiara 05:31
14. Never Born (Japan version) 05:41  
Total Time... 01:12:09

Line Up:
Ivan Giannini - vocals
Dario Radaelli - guitars
Enrico "Henry" Pistolese - guitars, backing vocals
Marco Banfi - bass
Marco "Gary" Garau - keyboards
Salvatore Giordano - drums 

DERDIAN - Nothing Will Remain (Compilation) 
Year: 2019 
Japanese Edition + Scans Booklets 

Disk 01:
01. These Rails Will Bleed
02. The Prophecy
03. Nothing Will Remain
04. Red And White
05. New Era
06. Forever In The Dark
07. Black Rose
08. Music Is Life
09. Battleplan
10. Hail To The Masters
11. Terror
12. I Don't Wanna Die

Disk 02:
01. Absolute Power
02. Eternal Light
03. In Everything
04. Never Born
05. DNA
06. The Hunter
07. Before The War
08. Beyond The Gate
09. Where I Can Fly
10. Dreams
11. Cage Of Light
12. The Spell

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